By Rod Johnson

Rodric believes Moroni included special instruction for Modern times and wants to share his unique perspective the same way Moroni shared in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

The Health Benefits of Prayer

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude in prayer is God's remedy to the stresses of the day. If humans pray as often as instructed by Christ, which is to pray always, then the balm of gratitude will rejuvenate always.
The mode and manner of prayer differs for each occasion. There are the formal prayers (personal, family and couple), prayers for blessing food, public prayers and many other types.
If all the prayers are being observed, we will find that we are constantly saying some type of prayer to Father in Heaven.

How is that healthy to be in constant Prayer?

Prayer Provides Physical Benefits

It is a known fact that the more time we spend meditating and ordering our thoughts the less stress interferes with our physical aging and body deficiencies.
Studies completed by the University of Rochester and Dr. Randolph Byrd of the San Francisco General Medical Centre suggest that those who participate in or are the subject of prayer tend to fare better than those who do not have that mental exercise.

Dr Chittaranjan Andrade

Dr Andrade is an experienced research methodologist with considerable expertise in statistical analysis.
Dr Andrade is an experienced research methodologist with considerable expertise in statistical analysis.
Dr. Chittaranjan Andrade of National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore concedes,
Interestingly, spiritual meditation has been found to be superior to secular meditation and relaxation in terms of decrease in anxiety and improvement in positive mood, spiritual health, spiritual experiences and tolerance to pain.
The body and the mind work together. It is a psychological fact that people of Faith have happier and more stable environments and experience less of all mental and health diseases.
The power of the mind over the body is psychological proof. Prayer fits in the category of helping us to order our thoughts and evaluate our daily actions for many of us.
We use the time to reflect on the day and evaluate our actions to see if they fit in line with our beliefs.
Asking for forgiveness or resolving to change removes stress from our lives so that we may focus on the next challenge.
Prayer leads us to move on more quickly in many instances. With less stress, we tend to look younger and become sick less often because we worry less.
Prayer helps us stay young and live longer. Prayer also motivates the body to heal itself better because of positive thinking.
Our physical bodies have a natural process to want to live coded in the DNA. Because of this drive, in many cases where science can do nothing more, prayer works.
Without faith, however, prayer is powerless; so faith must also have a large factor in prayer. Prayer also helps those with serious illness bear the burdens associated with the illnesses such as constant pain or lack of ability so that the condition does not become worse.

Prayer Provides Psychological Benefits

Prayer is a stress reliever as mentioned before, but it also helps us to focus our minds to avoid mental illness in many cases.
Since prayer is a time of reflections, for the educated at least it can help them to decide to submit to new treatments of mental disorders. Educated people of faith benefit from medical science in psychology because they tend to believe that God provides all the knowledge that man has that helps the human body.
Instead of believing in possession in all cases, they accept that it may be schizophrenia instead which leads to treatment. We then pray for the drugs to work properly giving the mental support the drugs need to flow through the system.
Also Prayer helps us to move past grief and loss, which can cause serious health complications and mental fracturing. I know frompersonal experience how such things can occur. Long-term health issues and loss can crush the human spirit if there is no avenue for the individual to overcome the situation by looking beyond the money. Some times all prayer can do is help the person remain in the moment without giving over to it.
When we have a problem, we run to God in prayer. He is a constant parent and source of psychological health. He is, for most Christians, a source of unyielding acceptance and trust. He may not remove our trial, but He will listen and comfort us to help those of us who have faith to accept our situation to see the good in a bad situation.
Most importantly prayer requires humility. Humility teaches us to accept Gods will. The willingness to accept His will can prevent us from overreacting to situations that would otherwise cause great mental and physical harm. Prayer fuels the faith of the each person who believes to have the power to accept any situation.

Kenneth Pargament, Ph.D

An internationally recognized leader in psychology and religion, begins his tenure as Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence at the Institute for Spirituality and Health
An internationally recognized leader in psychology and religion, begins his tenure as Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence at the Institute for Spirituality and Health
Frazier is a leading investigator in three broad areas: causal explanations for traumatic events, post-traumatic stress, and personal growth after trauma.
Frazier is a leading investigator in three broad areas: causal explanations for traumatic events, post-traumatic stress, and personal growth after trauma.
B.S. in Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, University of Minnesota
B.S. in Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology, University of Minnesota
Source: Andrew Tix
Psychologist Kenneth Pargament, PhD, of Bowling Green State University reveals the following:
The research is showing that spiritual dimensions brought into therapy can add something distinctive to health and well-being. "People ask, 'Is religion just another version of a healthy social support or a positive system of meaning?' We're finding that there's something special about the religious dimension that cannot be easily reduced to traditional psychological constructs.
He references the research completed by Patricia Frazier and Andrew Tix, PhD, other psychologist who work at the University of Minnesota that indicates that patients having kidney transplants who appeal to God or some supreme power for support had greater satisfaction in life after the surgery than those who did not as reported by Karen Kersting of the Monitor.
There is not empirical proof that prayer directly heals withing science, but there is evidence that such mental focus aids in the battling of disease and outlook. The mind is connected to the body and controls the process that maintains the body. Mentally focused individuals do have positive affects on the healing process of both mental and physical maladies.

Prayer is a Source of Self-Actualization

Carl Rogers taught that concept of actualization when we have some one who is the source of unconditionally positive regard. This means that no matter how criminal, foul or evil the person, someone loves that person unconditionally lacking judgement. It is amazing the therapeutic nature to have one person, even if the person is yourself, to love and regard you no matter what you may or may not do or be.
We can approach God in the same hope! He loves us and cares for us no matter our circumstances and will never turn us away. though ultimately He will judge us, but not as the world judges. No matter how much we may think otherwise, He always hears and answers our earnest prayers, always! No matter the vilest sinner we may be, He will still accept our words and give us comfort if we seek. No, He does not take away the punishment if we are wrong or prevent the trial if it will help us grow, but He will always love and accept us as we are no matter how far we may fall from His grace.
Knowing that we have someone like Him in our corner throughout life gives us a confidence that there is hope, even when there appears to be none left.

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