By Rod Johnson

Rodric believes Moroni included special instruction for Modern times and wants to share his unique perspective the same way Moroni shared in The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ.

The Easter Cross is Empty

The cross is now empty. God requires of us a sacrifice of service so that we may cover a multitude of sin. God requires us to pray in the name of Christ to Him for our support and that we perform nothing unto Him save we do it with prayer that He would prosper our work.

We are Christians.

We represent a mixture of teachings that go further than the mere claiming His name because of tradition or nationality. Ours is a way of life. We will ever be a giving and serving people.
Though some may claim to be one with us, our very demeanor will betray us to all around us. Though at times we will fall into sin, we are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ's atonement as we go before God the Father in faithful prayer and offer up our sins to him until we are purged of them never to return to us.
This is our calling as the children of Israel and adopted of Christ come together in recognition of our gratitude to our Savior and King who will come. We prepare the world one person at a time, starting with ourselves to receive Jesus Christ as the King of our lives and salvation.
Not only is there a vast number of Christians upon the planet that slowly take Christ's teaching around the world to prepare for his coming, Christ has established once again the full gospel message in its entirety and beauty through priesthood authority as in the days of Moses and the mortal ministry of Christ.
Those who are willing to bear the service of priesthood authority are welcomed to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as humble servants to the Lord. Christians with authority to act in the name of Christ, not only by his name alone, but in power by his very hand and authority will join with the world in peace until God can reveal all the truths of his glorious plan with all Christians living and dead--all people of all faiths living and dead--who seek righteousness.
Source: swiftbrook
Source: Tim

Love One Another

A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
Those who are willing to bear the service of priesthood authority are welcomed to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as humble servants to the Lord. Christians with authority to act in the name of Christ, not only by his name alone, but in power by his very hand and authority will join with the world in peace until God can reveal all the truths of his glorious plan with all Christians living and dead--all people of all faiths living and dead--who seek righteousness.

Truth is Knowable

The cross is empty. Jesus lives and has appeared to many. He still lives and still appears to many.
Though most of us will stand for Him by faith through His Holy Spirit, Jesus rewards Christians with visitations as He sees fit to help with our faith of His triumphant return to rule the world in an era of peace and prosperity not known since the days of Enoch.
Until then. let us be humble and faithful. Let us listen to the voice of his prophets and preachers who teach
His word by the Spirit so that we may discern where He wants each individual Christian in order to properly prepare the World.
We will not all serve in one church or one faith, but we will be led by God through His Holy Spirit to which places to go and in which ears to speak to help all of God's children.
Christ only comes as a thief in the night to those who do not know Him. His servants, those Christians who watch for the signs and live by the principles, will know when He comes and not fear when we are caught up to met Him.
It is the privilege of every true Christian to know Christ and have an assurance of his or her salvation in a mansion in the Kingdoms of heaven. It is the blessing of every Christian to know how to help and love his or her family and neighbors as we learn to help and love ourselves. It is the joy of every Christian and good man and woman on the earth to know that Christ is the Savior because of all the witnesses He provides in records and people.
The Cross is empty and the God of the Earth lives.

Jesus Is Resurrected video provided by the courtesy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

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Faith unto knowledge

Faith is a mortal term, but it is also an eternal principle that moves God to continue His plans for eternity concerning humanity.

Faith unto knowledge--giving the holder of such faith the power to act without confirmation that the event has taken place--means to understand something so much that its process is given always with an expected outcome.

If God speaks to a mountain with instructions to move, it will do so, and He knows it! That is faith unto knowledge!

God gave this power to a prophet named Nephi, a great missionary among the Nephites. Mormon records the words of the Lord to Nephi as such:
...thou art Nephi, and I am God. Behold, I declare it unto thee in the presence of mine angels, that ye shall have power over this people, and shall smite the earth with famine, and with pestilence, and destruction, according to the wickedness of this people.
Behold, I give unto you power, that whatsoever ye shall seal on earth shall be sealed in heaven; and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven; and thus shall ye have power among this people...(Helaman 10:6-7)
Just as God knows all things and has all power, Nephi knew that he possessed the power of God and exercised that power as recorded in The Book of Helaman.

Just as Nephi exercised that power, God can give it to us to have that same faith unto knowledge. We can know that God lives, even though we have not seen Him. We can know that we are His Children.

How? We can know by the power of the Holy Ghost, who is the testifier member of the Godhead, or the three that make us the Godhead: God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost.

We can have so much faith in God and His power that it evolves into knowledge!

Just as we know when we switch on a light switch light will come, we can know when we pray that god will answer.

Read These Things

Faith Unto Knowledge