Updated on February 8, 2015

Is He Mad!
Shortly after I began my job at Cooks Pest Control (If you live in the Southeast US try them out), a fellow coworker introduced me to the Glenn Beck Radio Program. This coworker noticed that I am a fan of talk radio and he thought that I would enjoy Glenn more than I did Rush Limbaugh. He was wrong. I did not enjoy Glenn more. I enjoyed him differently.
When first I began to follow Glenn, I thought that he was a whiny and eccentric man. That has not changed. I still believe that he is eccentric and whinny, well, it depends on the show that day. I started listening to the program in 2002 and the quality of the station his show aired on was horrible. Back then, he just seemed to rant about anything that came to his mind. Come to think of it, that still is his thing.
What captured me is the sincerity in his voice and the passion behind his words. I used to think that any talking head could get on the radio and rant about things to get people all riled up. Glenn proved that I was right about that all along!
Anyone can do a radio show,
but only special people can start a movement and garner a following beyond political ties and religious beliefs. Only special people can find the spark of purity in the hearts of thousands upon thousands of people and promote a renewed spirit to stand for what is good in America!
but only special people can start a movement and garner a following beyond political ties and religious beliefs. Only special people can find the spark of purity in the hearts of thousands upon thousands of people and promote a renewed spirit to stand for what is good in America!
Who is that person you say? Well, who is the article about?
Glenn Beck!! is not that person, but he is pretty darn close!
I mean, yeah, he did do all of that stuff but come on. He is a former alcoholic. He may have ADHD. He is an Independent for heaven's sake! Who in their right mind would listen to someone who would not choose between Republicans or Democrats? He is a comedian!
He tells jokes and entertains people! What does he know?
I suppose you are wondering if the subtitle above is about Glenn. It is not about him. It is about me, the writer. I say this because why on earth would I say anything negative about my hero?
I just wanted to get it out there before other people jump to the conclusions that media has already thrust upon them. I am not mad as in the true definition meaning insane. I am mad in the wrong definition meaning angry.
Why am I angry, well I just insulted my hero to prove a point! Every article that I read about Glenn baits me in by playing nice just to slam me with slanderous statements about Glenn that are not true! Well, some of them may be true. You know, the alcoholic thing is true. Well, and the comedian thing is true too.... To the point, there is more to Glenn than what the media reveals.
Actually, Glenn is the first to admit he is a regular guy. If regular is being rich, White and Mormon he is just your average Nephi! Kidding aside, Glenn has a way to reach people on the airwaves. Now that he has GBTV, he has added another option for clean entertainment for conscientious people.
Glenn Beck is a good man. Listen to his program and follow his life. He speaks the words that he lives. The fact that there is so much out here about him both good and bad is a testament to his willingness to own his life. He does no dodge the fact of his past addiction to alcohol or hide his past failures. Glenn cleaned his closet so that he can speak from the platform he does without worry that someone will rock him with some secret scandal.
He loves his family and supports his community. All that he does, he does with his family and nation in mind. He has used his popularity to make known causes and injustices that would have gone unnoticed otherwise. He cares about doing all that he can to support the troops, regardless of the person in the White House and he encourages others to listen and research.
Does he get it wrong sometimes? Yes, and he admits it--on air! He truly is a good man. I didn't say kind now. He has been working on his temper--which is what made me listen to him in the first place. "Get off my phone," is fun to hear when it happens to idiot callers on the phone! I am working on some anger issues myself.
His show in 2002 and now--you would think he is a different person.
Glenn Beck Changed His life
Man of Faith
It is no secret that Glenn Beck is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I recall when he did an entire program on the plight of the Mormons in 2002. I was pleased and appalled at the same time to find out that we went to the same church! It scared me. I promised myself I would never claim Glenn because of how he behaved on radio.
Then came the Glenn that won my brotherhood, which he should have had without having to win it--the compassionate Glenn that I noticed as the weeks, months and years passed. The words of encouragement to people and the tolerance he exercised. No more "Get off my phone!"
He evolved into a comedian of faith. His message is important with a twist of humor. He can tell it in his own words in the video.
Man of Faith
It is no secret that Glenn Beck is a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I recall when he did an entire program on the plight of the Mormons in 2002. I was pleased and appalled at the same time to find out that we went to the same church! It scared me. I promised myself I would never claim Glenn because of how he behaved on radio.
Then came the Glenn that won my brotherhood, which he should have had without having to win it--the compassionate Glenn that I noticed as the weeks, months and years passed. The words of encouragement to people and the tolerance he exercised. No more "Get off my phone!"
He evolved into a comedian of faith. His message is important with a twist of humor. He can tell it in his own words in the video.
Rodric Johnson
- Rodric29 on HubPages
Rodric Anthony Johnson was born in the bustling city of Rochester, New York in the wintry month of November. Being migrant by nature, his family uprooted and moved to the Southeast. He now lives in the Southwest in Phoenix, Arizona with his wife and
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Ralph Deeds
Glenn Beck is a pathetic, ignorant loser.
Beck haters are funny. They can't handle the truth. The "loser" could buy and sell the critics.
Charles Hilton
Any person with credibility doesn't need to "buy and sell" the critics.
Eric L. Andrews
I started to follow Beck a few years ago and thought his rantings were way out there....until they started to come true. He predicted the banking crisis of several years ago, the current uprisings in the Middle East (Arab Springs), futuristic computer programs that the government was developing to track our activities (which they now have) and the Occupy Movement here in America (which is going to get worse and more violent soon). He was right time and time again in his predictions and made them sometimes a year or more before they came to fruition. Yeh, he has made a lot of money but he actually employs a ton of people, pays their benefits, etc. and gives a ton to charities....unlike many liberals who always talk about taking others' money and donate squat to deserving groups.
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Ralph Deeds, thank you for commenting on my hub. I hope you actually read it.
Ralph Deeds, thank you for commenting on my hub. I hope you actually read it.
Why do you have a problem with Beck? What has he done to offend you?
Gusser, thank you for commenting here. I don't know what the big deal is with all the Beck hating. I really would like to know what people have against him. I have yet to hear anything other than name-calling.
He's hated because he knows who the enemy of this nation is and how that enemy thinks. They hate exposure.
Charles Hilton, thanks for commenting on my hub. You didn't read it I am assuming for you to make a comment about his credibility.
What do you have against him? Is there something that occurred to make you have something cynical to say about him?
Eric, I didn't want to mention those things and focus just on the man, but you are so correct. I had to stop listening to the program for a while because I started to get anxiety over how all the things he said happened.
What is so special about it is that he spelled out how he could predict it. There was no heavenly visitor. He just saw history repeating itself and then published it to the word. I don't understand why people slander him for that, really. Unless...they are a part of the master plan to destroy America!
Or maybe they just truly misunderstand and are uninformed.
Great hub, enjoyable read!
I wonder if that has anything to do with him going solo? I agree with you Gusser.
I respect Beck greatly. I don't see him taking sides of GOP or Dem. He looks at issues from every angle and presents facts. His predictions about upcoming trends or ensuing consequence of legislation have thus far been correct. The liberal media hates him because his sound, fact-based show obliterates their politically-laced agenda. Voted up, interesting, useful & awesome. Useful, because if people actually read your hub, perhaps it'll get them thinking.
Best regards-
BTW - I know Rochester, Ray City (best catfish ever) and Nashville well.
Breathe2travel, It is hard to forget that in the confusion of media--that Glenn Beck has predicted some things that have occurred as he spoke them.
I have GBTV and the lot, but I also want to make sure that I am not dismissing the truth because I have a one-sided point of view. I am actually giving the liberal ideas a chance. It is freeing--still conservative and still against most of the liberal ideas, but I feel free to explore.
Charles Hilton
To answer your question: he's an apocalypse worshiping, carnival barker with a messiah complex who wears a tinfoil hat and labels everything he disagrees with as "Nazi." That alone discredits him.
Other than that, he's a phony who turns on the tears like a wall switch. He and John Boner must have gone to the same acting school.
But, hey; to each his own---if you like the guy, who am I to say you shouldn't? But, as for me, I require more than theatrics and scare-mongering rhetoric.
Mr. Hilton, my wife, thinks the same thing about him and so do all over her friends. The funny thing is, I am friends, with the husbands of her friends and we like Glenn.
I am moved when he speaks about certain things--but only because I have not biased towards him. He will not move you if you think he is fake. I completely get what you are saying here.
I had to stop listen to him because he is so intense. I tend to read his writings because he has been right about the things that he predicted. I just think that his presentation, which has changed over the last ten years, needs to be more hopeful. I do not wish to believe that politicians are inherently evil since I know some.
Ralph Deeds
IMHO, you need to broaden your sources of information. Glenn Beck doesn't come close to being factual or correct in his opinions. He got so wild that he was broomed by Fox. [You gotta be pretty bad to be fired by Fox.]
I am unaware of his being "broomed" I know he broadcast for almost a year that he was working on his own network and it became a reality in GBTV. I listen to other people, many other people. My other articles show some of that.
I am a Glenn Beck fan, though. He is funny and entertaining--my chief reason for listening and he has been right about everything he has been ranting about for the last ten years. He has made mistakes, and he has apologized for them. I will not discount the other times he has been right because of one mistake. I already know that I am going to have to agree to disagree. You said that Glenn has not come close to being factual or correct when I have been listening to his show for ten years and following the unfolding of each item that he mentioned by name. If you really want to know the information is out there. What you have provided in this case is an opinion Mr. Deeds and not a statement of fact. I really do not want to have to pull out the Glenn fact book with time-stamps to prove that he warned that certain things would happen. I am sure you can research it. Glenn is so polarizing.
Eric L. Andrews
Actually, Beck's predictions and news sources are far more accurate than the mainstream media. I have listened to his show the past three+ years, and he predicted the Arab Spring, civil unrest coming to America (which it has started), financial problems by the EU and soon in our country, etc. I just fact-checked his comments on Muslim Brotherhood members and affiliates serving in DHS and with the Obama Administration. Totally true. Check it out yourself.
Good show!
Nice Hub Rodric,
I like Beck. The mainstream media has demonized him quite a bit, so you really have to listen to him to know who he is. Beck has made many true predictions, but Fox News takes its reputation of being fair and balanced seriously. Despite what Ralph said, Fox is the top News station, and they have a range of Republican, Democrat and Libertarian, commentators.
Beck was very opinionated and did not really fit in with Fox. But I think that he is very clever, funny and as you said, he is obviously a good man. Voted up!
Thanks, Skarlet. As much as I love Glen, I have to take a break from him every now and then because he is so intense. The man is good at his job, and he is in it for integrity and not company.
He has to start his own! I think that him having his own company is bad in the long view. I like him being in the fray with Fox. Now he can become completely cult out if he is not tempered. He has a good mix of staff at GBTV. He has liberals and conservatives working there and they are just a outlandish as he is.
Charles Hilton
Fox News is the top news station on Television only. On the internet, where most people get their news and the audience is younger, Fox News is dead last.
Ralph Deeds
Fox News is more of a right wing opinion station than a news channel.
Glenn Beck left Fox news... of his own accord.
Fox shows hard news during the day and there are some conservative opinions in the evening, such as Hannity. There are no more opinions than MSNBC and NBC.
As far as in ranking low for younger people, that is obvious. The left wingers have been trying to demonize the entire channel because it is #1, and they can't touch it.
The young people, being easily led, believe whatever propaganda that comes their way.
I respect Fox based on facts that I have personally witnessed. I was present at an event that was covered by the news and when I watched it on TV, Fox was the only station that covered it accurately.
CNN had poorly edited snips and closeups that distorted everything.
Charles Hilton
Young people aren't as stupid and gullible as you suggest. In fact, they're less bound by old-world prejudices and are more open-minded than their forbears.
The older generation has handicapped the younger generation with it's outdated prejudices and failed policies. Unique problems require unique solutions; a fact that scares the Fox News crowd to death.
And being number one doesn't mean anything---freak-shows always draw the biggest crowds.
WE are young! We are not gullible.
First of all, I did not say anything about stupid and gullible, you imagined that. I stated a fact about the youth being less informed. That is a fact, because once people have spent years working and paying bills, they see things less idealistically.
Also, so much for being open minded and non prejudice.
You just accused a whole generation of people of being a certain way, and then called people who watch Fox News "The Fox Crowd", assuming that anyone who watches a certain station thinks a certain way. You made no mention of the factual point I made in my observation in regard to personally witnessing Fox vs. CNN in reporting. It was not until that incident that I knew anything about Fox and the stories that the mainstream media claim about it.
Charles Hilton
Skarlet, you said: "The young people, being easily led, believe whatever propaganda that comes their way."
If you think that doesn't imply gullibility and stupidity, then words have no meaning for you.
And with your comment about the young, you accused that whole generation of being a certain way.
So, not only do you use words haphazardly, you're a hypocrite.
Wow, Hilton, that is harsh. I get what you are saying skarlat. I think I should get an account on Hubs! This is where it's at!
So many comments recently... nice
What a great news publisher Fox is. I notice how biased the media is on many occasions. It makes me think that most news is a glorified opinion piece rather than based in facts.
Mr. Hilton, you have made some very serious statements about the elders, and I agree to some extent. I found out that my mother had racist feelings after I turned eighteens years of age. Most of my friends are and were White people and she never mentioned anything disparaging about them until the Donahue show had Black people on the show wanting to be White because they wanted to join the Mormon Church.
I could have killed over right there because there I sat as Black as I am and as Mormon as could be! I turned to my mom and exclaimed to her by repeating what the Black woman said about wanting to be White so that the Mormons would accept her. My mom, not taking the insinuation of sarcasm exclaim, "Um hum, I knew them Mormons was racists!"
I just looked at her sadly for a moment and exclaimed, "Mom, I am a Mormon and I am as Black as you!"
She laughed it off, but she later told me that she had to overcome racist feelings because of institution and community racism she had to deal with in South Georgia.
I am not sure if I can claim young because I am 35, but I think that younger people tend to be more open and reasonable than older people.
I am a part of the fox crowd. I don't watch tv very often but I can deal with the news every now and then.
Mr. Hilton what the shock and awe! Let's us please submit to civility. I am an old fashioned person that believes we must speak and write to women in a certain manner. Without having a conversation with her, I am sure you must agree that labeling her a hypocrite is seriously personal and alarming.
I would hope that we can build trust and respect differences. In the Book of Mormon it teachs us not to use the words of our brothers, or sisters to ensnare them in a trap. I think Skarlet's words were taken into a different context that she intended.
I appreciate both of your comments and perspectives because it enriches my experience here--selfish huh?
Let us be more considerate and tolerant of the differences that make this place great. Let us not attack character when there is not substance in all these fake names. We hide behind them and say hurtful things.
My name is Rodric Anthony Johnson and I appreciate both of your comments. Thanks for commenting here and voting us this hub.
Charles Hilton
Mr. Johnson, I meant no ill towards Skarlet and my use of the word "hypocrite" wasn't said in malice. I was merely making an observation.
I sometimes forget how sensitive some people can be on HubPages and in the future I will refrain from commenting directly at anyone except yourself when commenting on your hubs.
Thank you Mr. Hilton. It is okay to call me out on my works. I do not want you to refrain from conversing with other for that is the intent of hub pages. I am honored that you would heed my plea. Please, observations are fine. If I was truly offended I would have removed the comment as I usually do. I just wanted to point out that I felt the comment was very close to a personal attack.
Charles Hilton
You took the appropriate action---and very tactfully and diplomatically, I might add. :~)
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